Friday, April 7, 2023

Content for my Social Media

Okay, so I am kind of freaking out. I was looking at some of my peers' social media accounts, and realizing that mine is literally super boring in comparison.  

This is a classmate using Internet slang and memes to reel in viewers or possibly go viral. That's super smart! I didn't even think about doing that. I also know of another group that is using TikTok challenges to try and promote their work.

The thing about me, though, is that I am really boring and rarely post on or use social media, so all of my posts are literally just normal sneak peeks and video clips. I worry about changing this up, though, because I am not sure if this would be appreciated by my target audience, even though they are young people, because I am doing a documentary and not a short film...I think that instead, I am going to create a content where viewers can submit questions they want to see asked on the next episode of Courageous Creativity. Or, I could probably also post an art challenge as well. I will ask everyone what they think on Monday. 

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Critical Reflection

My documentary package, Courageous Creativity, focuses on queer artists. I did a lot of research in and out of class in order to create my p...